MDtec – Our expertise

Self-expandable stents (Nitinol) for all medical applications

“Already the design is primarily focused on the medical requirement. But it also affects production times and costs later on. The earlier this is taken into consideration, the more competitive the final product will be.”

  • Laser-cutting
  • Design- and form-adjustments
  • Heat-treatment
  • Polishing
  • Adding markers
  • Quality-control
Selbstexpandierenden Stents (Nitinol) für alle medizinischen Anwendungen
Selbstexpandierenden Stents (Nitinol) für alle medizinischen Anwendungen
Selbstexpandierenden Stents (Nitinol) für alle medizinischen Anwendungen
Catheter-systems – all types and sizes

“Every stent needs a catheter-system, which is what enables minimally invasive implantation. The two must be perfectly adapted to one another. Having the development and production carried out by the same company eliminates any unnecessary discussions on compatibility and who’s responsible for what.”

  • Ergonomics
  • Selection of material and components
  • Gluing, welding
  • Production of handles
  • Handling
  • Quality-control
Kathetersysteme aller Art, in allen Größen
Special medical products

“Nitinol is a versatile and widely used material in medical technology. We are also available to assist in the development of other, related products.”

  • Occluders, reducers, filters, etc.
Spezielle Medizinprodukte
Spezielle Medizinprodukte
Production of stents and catheter-systems

“Are you planning to build up your own in-house production of medical stents and/or catheter-systems? We are the right partners for you. Our many years of experience in manufacturing various medical devices will help you to archieve your goal quickly and efficiently.”

  • Determination of the best location
  • Conception for building and facility
  • Design and optimisation of production processes
  • Selection of material and components
  • Supplier selection
Expertise Produktion
Expertise Produktion


Any questions?

You need more detailed information?

Please send us a message and we’ll take care of it immediately.

    “Ensuring that stents and catheters are compatible with one another early on
    saves time and money in the long run,
    prevents compatibility issues and improves the delimitation of responsibilities.”